The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle During a Pandemic

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Facing the COVID-19 pandemic situation that has been going on for one year, more and more people are starting to practice a healthy lifestyle. However, there are still many who consider a healthy lifestyle to be expensive or a complicated routine. Sure, starting something new and healthy can sometimes feel tough, but it's actually not that hard, you know!

As a start, you can go for a healthy lifestyle from home. Through a series of simple activities, you can keep your body fit throughout the day. If you do it the right way, this activity can be a fun process. Just follow these tips and you can easily get to it!

Reduce the stress by lifting the weight off your shoulders

The importance of maintaining mental health is currently being discussed a lot. Not without reason, mental health is indeed an important factor in a healthy lifestyle. If you experience high levels of stress and anxiety, not only your mental but also your physical health is affected and in the end, you will grow  tired, probably getting mental illnesses that will not help in the long run.

Mental health is also grabbing more attention than past few years, especially in the current Work From Home (WFH) situation. Some people find it difficult to separate their work life from their family and friends, so they are even more pressured by the pile of activities growing on their desk. As for those who have to do tasks outside home, situations such as traffic jams, overbearing coworkers, paranoia and more, overwhelms the mind.

Well, if you experience these things, try to do this simple action to ease your mind and release tension and stress in both your mind and your body; take a deep breath, hold for a moment, then exhale slowly. Repeat a few times until you feel calmer.

Once you feel calm, you can start dividing your time more clearly and do useful things that you like such as reading books, learning new skills, or playing with your pets. The point is to make yourself as comfortable as possible!

Get enough sleep and rest.

One more complaint that's mostly happened during this pandemic is a messy sleep schedule. This is due to many factors, ranging from accumulated activities to chaotic thoughts. This is definitely not good for your health.

So, it's time to fix it! Start by managing your schedule during the day properly, like heavy tasks and activities done during the day while lighter tasks done closer to night. When the day ends, and your tasks are finished and put away, rest your eyes from the blue light emitting from your gadgets. Drink hot tea, read a book, play with your pets, etc. There are many things you can do to unwind. Soon, you will get tired and sleepy, so hop into bed and get warm and cozy! Do not look at any other screen 30 minutes before you sleep, since it will impact your eyes. Remember, the ideal sleep duration for adults is around 7-9 hours per night. With enough sleep, you can get many benefits, such as a focused and energized body the next day, to an optimal immune system. So, maintain your sleep schedule to the best of your abilities, you will soon see good changes happening!

Maintain a Healthy Eating Lifestyle

Talking about food and a healthy lifestyle is not only about an expensive and healthy diet. The thing is, you just need to maintain the balance of the nutrients you consume, namely carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and good unsaturated fats.

Once in a while, you can change the main menu on the plate from rice to other carbohydrates such as corn, sweet potatoes, or potatoes. Reduce eating foods by frying and starting to change to healthier ways of processing, such as sauteing, steaming, or boiling. Also, pay attention to the hours and portions of your meal, don't let it be over or under. Finally, if necessary, complete your nutrition with supplements or vitamins.

Exercise regularly.

Just like the food you eat, exercising also doesn't have to be expensive or going to the gym. You can do sports at home such as gymnastics, yoga, or jogging. Choose a sport that you like because the point is to try to keep your body moving every day.

Why? Because that way the body will burn the stored calories, and flow oxygen more smoothly to the body's cells. As a result, you will feel fresh and more productive every day. Prove it yourself!

Drink lots of water.

Drinking water is the easiest tip to go for a healthy lifestyle. For those of you who have a lot of activities at home and outside, drinking water regularly prevents you from dehydration, and is good for your heart, digestion, bones, and body immunity. The contents of mineral water, such as magnesium and selenium, can maintain your body functions to be optimal.

If you're still confused about choosing mineral water for consumption, make sure your drinking water meets health standards and does not contain substances or bacteria that are harmful to the body. One of the drinking water brands that is good for consumption is VIT, mineral water that has been in Indonesia since 48 years ago. VIT mineral water has gone through various production processes, one of which is double filtering, and has various certifications such as Halal and SNI certificates, which makes VIT safe for consumption by the body.

Those are the tips for a healthy lifestyle that you can do from home. Easy, right? Let's slowly start practicing it every day and stay healthy!
