Pay Attention To Your Body Health with this Healthy Lifestyle

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Apparently, in this Ramadan 2021, the pandemic situation is still not over. We have to fast amid the pandemic for a second time. This means, we still cannot break the fast together with friends, family and we still have to follow health protocols. But, keep up the spirit, guys!

We need to maintain our body condition to stay healthy and prevent any diseases. After all, fasting itself is actually a healthful activity. So it's actually not difficult to adopt a healthy lifestyle every day. Here's how:

Meet the Body's Hydration Needs

This is one of the most important things! You probably have heard often that humans are most likely still able to survive without food than without water. This is because the human body consists of 60-70% water. Especially in the moment of fasting, the body needs a replacement for minerals lost during the day, which of course can be obtained from mineral water.

So, to adopt a healthy lifestyle, it is important to consume high-quality mineral water during fasting. Choose VIT mineral water, which has been tested for quality for 48 years in Indonesia. VIT is BPOM and SNI certified because VIT has passed Physical, Chemical, and Microbiological tests as high-quality mineral water. No wonder, because VIT implements a filtration and packaging process using high technology and strict quality control. So VIT will be able to meet your hydration needs and help nourish the digestive process, improve daily mood, help reduce calories, and reduce the risk of weight gain.

Eat Foods with Balanced Portions and Nutrition

Having withstood thirst and hunger during the day, it is only natural that breaking the fast is a time to look forward to. However, we often feel super hungry and it seems like we can eat a lot when breaking the fast. But the fact is, we don't and we need to avoid this. Eating large portions after a long "empty" stomach is not recommended to achieve a healthy lifestyle, and it can have negative consequences, such as flatulence, lethargy, and the possibility of gastritis.

Paying attention to the nutritional content that enters the body is also important. It is recommended that the nutrition from each food group be consumed in a balanced manner, starting from meat, vegetables, and fruits. For carbohydrates, choose foods with complex carbohydrates such as brown rice because they contain fiber which helps the digestive process. Avoid eating too much sugar, and choose foods with natural sugars such as dates.

Get enough rest

The third requirement for a healthy lifestyle is having a night of adequate and regular sleep. Avoid staying up late as irregular sleep hours might make you miss suhoor. We recommend that you sleep early for a duration of about 7 hours until suhoor.

The lack of sleep will make your body condition weak and susceptible to disease. You will also feel weak, sleepy, and have difficulty concentrating during the day.

Still relating to the previous point, to get the benefits of optimal rest, balance your sleep time by drinking VIT, which is one medium VIT bottle or 2 glasses of VIT mineral water each after waking up (before dawn), before going to bed and also on iftar and suhoor so your daily needs of hydration are met.

Exercise at the Right Time

Do light exercises such as walking or jogging, yoga, or cycling at the right time, such as 30 minutes before breaking the fast, or 3 hours after eating iftar. By applying this healthy lifestyle, the body's metabolic processes will be maintained. Of course, you have to remember that after exercising, you have to immediately replace the lost fluids in your body by drinking VIT water. 

Those are four tips to achieve a healthy lifestyle during fasting. From the four points above, we can see how important the role of consuming quality mineral water is. Therefore, always have VIT prepared at home. You can easily find them in supermarkets, minimarkets, or your flagship e-commerce. The price is also budget-friendly. Happy fasting!
